
Roberto Ghezzi

Born in Cortona in 1978. His training began within the family sculpture studio and was perfected at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. He begins to exhibit in the nineties and his beginnings are linked to painting. All of his production is based on a strong interest in the natural landscape, which, at the beginning, he investigates both through pictorial representation and through experiments “in the field”, in  contact with the natural environment. This is a study carried out over the course of a decade, which, starting from a scientific approach of in-depth examination of organic reality, takes on a conceptual form through matter.

In the early 2000s he presents to the public works related to the aforementioned research, matured over the years. Unpublished creations, which arise from studies and experiments on natural places, often uncontaminated, and whose title Naturografie © embodies the founding concept of both the final result and the process. The artist creates with nature, but at the same time supervises every phase of creation: from the determination of the initial variables, to the time factor, up to the final form. Roberto Ghezzi’s works are created “together” with nature, to which its representation is entrusted, to remove it from the partial and subjective imposition of the artist. For his Naturografie he treats the canvases in such a way as to catalyze the natural processes capable of sedimenting traces, whether they are buried or immersed in water. By studying in advance the behaviors and probable actions of winds, currents, waters and natural essences, he monitors the works until the collaboration between the artist and nature reaches a perfect balance for their extraction and presentation.

Roberto Ghezzi has carried out dozens of artistic residencies, experimental research and environmental installations, not only in Italy, but also in remote places on the planet such as Alaska, Iceland, South Africa, Norway, Tunisia, Patagonia, Denmark, North Macedonia, Greenland and the Svalbard Islands.

Solo shows: Thybris. Il fiume eterno, a cura di Cristian Porretta e Davide Silvioli, GNAM, Roma, 2023; L’impronta dell’acqua, a cura di Mara Predicatori, Museo di Palazzo della Corgna, Castiglione del Lago, 2023; Aquae, a cura di Start Cultura e EContemporary, Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Venezia, 2023; Contemporary Ecosystems, a cura di Bojana Janeva e Davide Silvioli, Museum of Contemporary Art of Skopje, NMK 2022; Impermanente, a cura di Davide Silvioli e Cristian Porretta, Galleria d’Arte Faber, IT 2022; The Writing of Nature, a cura di Inanna Riccardi, Sixty Eight Art Institute, Copenaghen, DK, 2022; Naturografie, a cura di  Elena Cantori e Monica Mazzolini, Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad, HR, 2021; NATUROGRAFIE – IL TERRITORIO DELLA BONIFICA TRA ARTE E SCIENZA, a cura di Elena Cantori e Monica Mazzolini, Galleria Civica D’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, San Donà di Piave, IT (2021); PATAGONIA 19.20, a cura di Laura Aguilera Mendieta, Museo della Fine del Mondo, Ushuaia, ARG (2020); NATUROGRAFIE IN TUNIS, a cura di Gaia Toschi, Museum Oceanographic Salammbo and Ateliers Coteaux, Tunisi, TUN (2018); NATUROGRAFIE, a cura di Andrea Baffoni, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia per l’Arte, Perugia, IT (2018); PHYSIS – i codici dell’invisibile, a cura di Ilaria Margutti, Galleria Comunale di Arte Contemporanea di Arezzo, IT (2017).

Group Shows: GENESI DELLA FORMA, a cura di Davide Silvioli, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto, IT (2022); LE LATITUDINI DELL’ARTE, a cura di Virginia Monteverde, Pulchri Studio, Den Haag, NL (2021); HABITAT. RELAZIONI TRASVERSALI, a cura di Collettivo Curatoriale Luiss Master of Art, Casa delle Letterature, Roma, IT (2019);  RESIDENZE FONDAZIONE ROCCO GUGLIELMO, a cura di Simona Gavioli e Simona Caramia, Museo MARCA, Catanzaro, IT (2019); VANITAS MUNDI a cura di Philippe Daverio, Palazzo Visconti, Milano (IT), 2017; LA GRANDE BELLEZZA, a cura di Silvia Rossi, Castello di Obernberg, AT (2016); MEETING IN SHANGHAI, a cura di Peishuo Yang – Biblioteca di Pu-Dong, Shanghai, CN (2015).

Artist in residence: The Greenland Project, in collaborazione con CNR ISP, Tasiilaq, GRL (2022); North Macedonia Project- Art As Nature, NMK (2022); The Writing of Nature, 68 Art Institute and CasermArcheologica, Copenaghen, DK (2022); L’ Planeta de Origen, Ushuaia, ARG (2019); Kunstkvarteret artist house, Lofoten Islands – Leknes, NO (2019); OAW, Tunis and Hergla, TUN (2018); South Africa Project, Blyde River Canyon and Mossel Baai, ZA (2018);  Iceland Project, Hofn, Akureyri, IS (2017); Alaska Project, Talkeetna, McCarthy, AK USA (2015).