Saturday 18th March at 6 PM opens at Galleria d’arte La Fonderia, in Via della Fonderia 42R Florence, the group show of Whatsart’s third edition, a call dedicated to emerging artists created by Fondente Arte.
Fifteen artists have been selected, each of whom has carried out personal research on this year’s theme “the flow of time”, a matter that has always fascinated human being both in its more scientific part, in order to be able to calculate it by articulating that elusive but concrete flow, both in its more philosophical part, connecting it to all those emotions that permeate every moment of life. The interpretation that the artists will give to this theme through their own style and sensitivity will be evaluated by a qualified jury of experts called to decide the winner of this third edition, who will have the opportunity to have a solo exhibition in the gallery.
The awarding, by invitation, will be a moment of meeting and sharing. The commission that will award the winner is made up of: Edoardo Bosi, head of art advisory Azimut; Teo Cavallini, founder and CEO of the Sauro Cavallini Study Centre; Fulvio Cervini, art historian and professor at the University of Florence; Stefania Lori, director of organization and tourism development Viticola Toscana Castello di Meleto; Riccardo Nicoletti, contemporary art collector; Renata Pintus, art historian at Opificio delle Pietre Dure; Marco Ponzano, head of Branca Collection.
Like every year, Whatsart opens the artistic season together with Spazio in cerca d’artista, a competition dedicated to all-round works, whose winner, Serena Tani, also investigates the theme of “the flow of time” by using living materials such as ceramics, canvas and paper, which she manipulates and transforms into pieces of authentic poetry, will exhibit her work on the occasion of the group exhibition of the third edition of Whatsart.
Since 2021, Fondente Arte has been accompanying emerging artists and businesses on a shared path of creating value through art, generating and nurturing a network in which each member finds identity and opportunities for connection, interaction, exchange and growth.
Art was born to unite and communicate and Fondente is its full expression.
Artists selected for Whatsart III edition: Giovanni Amato, Luca Bongini, Alessio Calega, Lucia Chiancone, Filippo Cigni, Federico Corli, Lorenzo Dominici, Angela D’Ospina, Sofia Fresia, Matteo Gobbo, Leopoldo Innocenti, Anna Merlotti, Massimiliano Precisi, Dimitri Ross and Giulia Rotini.
Winning artist of Spazio in cerca d’artista III edition: Serena Tani.